Social lack of communication and technological development




Social Lack of Communication, Technological Development, Digital Virtualization


The development of today's society imposes the challenge of incorporating information and communication technologies (ICT), which has favored the productivity and efficiency of business processes, generally leading them to have better levels of profitability. This technological development can consider the media as an instrument of collective socialization, however, the process of digital virtualization is causing a fracture between the real and virtual world, a model of coexistence typical of globalized societies, characterized by extreme individualization and the virtualization of the communicative experience, we do not face the society of lack of communication, considering it as a process that prevents a fluid and healthy two-way interpersonal relationship. The article raises the hypothesis that we live in the century of individualization, of the loss of human relationships, caused by the spell caused by new technologies and that promotes detachment between people and the excessive preference for virtual communication.


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How to Cite

María de las Nieves VM. Social lack of communication and technological development. Gamification and Augmented Reality [Internet]. 2024 May 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];2:42. Available from: