Psychopedagogical actions to prevent technological addictions in primary school students
Psychopedagogical Actions, Technological Addictions, Social NetworksAbstract
Technology addiction is a worldwide problem that brings with it negative biopsychosocial consequences. The appropriate use of information and communication technologies from primary education would enable students to develop digital competence, which implies being an autonomous, effective, responsible, critical and reflective person when selecting, processing and using information and its sources, as well as its technological tools. The objective was to elaborate psycho-pedagogical actions for the prevention of technological addictions in elementary school students. For the development of the research, the dialectical-materialistic method was used, as well as theoretical and empirical methods. Twenty-two updated bibliographies related to the topic were used. The proposed psycho-pedagogical actions constitute a theoretical contribution to the prevention of technological addictions in elementary school students, contributing to the improvement of the educational act by taking into account the potentialities and difficulties of learning, as well as the individual characteristics of the students
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ernesto Martínez-Pérez, Bárbara Zenaida Pérez-Pérez, Rosa María Montano-Silva, Yoneisy Abraham-Millán, Douglas Crispin-Castellanos (Author)
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