Edublog for teaching mathematical modeling in ecology
Edublog, Modeling, Vensim, Quantitative EcologyAbstract
Given the limited number of interactive educational resources for learning dynamic modelling in ecology, we seek to promote the use of Vensim software in the Quantitative Ecology course taught in the Biology degree program at FES Zaragoza. The objective was to develop an educational blog containing practical exercises solved step by step, covering from simple models to more complex ones, such as predator-prey models, management of aquatic systems and environmental processes. The exercises were addressed in a sequence that helps students understand ecological processes and strengthen their skills in mathematical modelling. The implementation of the edublog seeks, through step-by-step activities and simulations, to reinforce in students their ability to use modelling and simulation software tools, essential for their training in the area of quantitative ecology. The impact of the edublog was reviewed by applying a questionnaire to measure the clarity, relevance and usefulness of the content. Generating an academic support resource accessible at any time and from any place with an Internet connection, so that the student understands and applies the concepts of mathematical modeling from the perspective of technology-mediated self-learning.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Grecia Yareny Pérez Mar, Armando Cervantes Sandoval, Patricia Rivera García, Alejandro Josué Perales Avila (Author)

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