doi: 10.56294/gr20237




Prompt lawyer: a challenge in the face of the integration of artificial intelligence and law


Prompt lawyer: un desafío ante la integración de la inteligencia artificial y el derecho


Rafael Romero-Carazas1  *


1Dirección de investigación del Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Arequipa, Arequipa, Perú.


Cite as: Romero-Carazas R. Prompt lawyer: a challenge in the face of the integration of artificial intelligence and law. Gamification and Augmented Reality. 2023;1:7.


Submitted: 20-05-2023                   Revised: 11-07-2023                   Accepted: 24-09-2023                 Published: 25-09-2023


Editor: Adrián Alejandro Vitón-Castillo  




Introduction: the implication of artificial intelligence in the framework of the exercise of law is framed in new forms or conceptual areas of its own professional actions.

Objective: to characterize the research published in Scopus regarding Prompt lawyer

Method: a bibliometric study was carried out. 41 documents located in the Scopus database referring to the research topic were studied as a universe, located through a search strategy. Bibliometric indicators were analyzed. Descriptive statistics were applied.

Results: the year 2020 stood out with the highest number of investigations (5 articles for 12,19 %). Original articles predominated with 26 investigations equivalent to 63,41 %. Research related to the social sciences stood out (26 works; 48 %). Among the institutions with the greatest scientific contribution, the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), McGuireWoods LLP (United States) and Stevens and Lee Health Law Department (United States) stood out with two investigations respectively (4,87 %). The articles from the United States stood out with 17 investigations equivalent to 41,46 %.

Conclusions: the use and use of Prompt lawyer shows constant and gradual growth, based on research with results. At the same time, it diversifies into different thematic areas, with representation from the main centers and countries with the greatest research trends.


Keywords: Bibliometrics; Legal Sciences; Scientific Production; Prompt Lawyer.




Introducción: la implicación de la inteligencia artificial en el marco del ejercicio del derecho se enmarca en nuevas formas o ámbitos conceptuales de su propia accionar profesional

Objetivo: caracterizar las investigaciones publicadas en Scopus referentes a Prompt lawyer

Método: se realizó un estudio bibliométrico. Se estudiaron como universo 41 documentos ubicados en la base de datos Scopus referente a la temática de la investigación, localizados mediante estrategia de búsqueda. Se analizaron indicadores bibliométricos. Se aplicó la estadística descriptiva.

Resultados: sobresalió el año 2020 con el mayor número de investigaciones (5 artículos para un 12,19 %). Predominaron los artículos originales con 26 investigaciones equivalentes a 63,41 %. Destacaron las investigaciones relacionadas con las ciencias sociales (26 trabajos; 48 %).  Dentro de las instituciones con mayor aporte científico sobresalió University of Cambridge (Reino Unido), McGuireWoods LLP (Estados Unidos) y Stevens and Lee Health Law Department (Estados Unidos) con dos investigaciones respetivamente (4,87 %). Destacaron los artículos procedentes de Estados Unidos con 17 investigaciones equivalentes a un 41,46 %.

Conclusiones: el empleo y uso de Prompt lawyer muestra un crecimiento constante y paulatino, sobre la base de las investigaciones con resultados. A su vez, se diversifica en las distintas áreas temáticas, con representación de los principales centro y países con mayor tendencia en investigación.


Palabras clave: Bibliometría; Ciencias Jurídicas; Producción Científica; Prompt Lawyer.





With the accelerated advance of technological development, scientific work in any branch of knowledge has been revolutionized. Undoubtedly, there is a close relationship between the impact of the different areas of science and their involvement with the use of new technologies.

Legal sciences cover different aspects of society as an indissoluble unit. It is the scientific and professional training area focused on controlling and evaluating human conduct and behavior on previously established legal bases. In turn, it is responsible for the guidelines and norms on which the practice of duties, rights, and the different processes that take place in human society are based, always on the basis of ethics.(1,2) In this sense, its homogeneous and direct relationship with man makes it sensitive to applying new technological advances in its different processes.

Evaluating and managing scientific knowledge constitutes one of the main bases for analyzing the level of quality achieved in a given area of science. On the other hand, it outlines and highlights the main scientific scenarios that require reassessment by the scientific community.(3) There is evidence of previous studies on generating scientific knowledge in legal sciences.(4,5)

With the advent of new technologies, they have been implicated in every sector of society. One of the most recent and discussed contributions is the development of artificial intelligence (AI) or ChatGPT (sometimes called Prompt). It is shown as an application tool in every sector: as a response modulator, a generator of scientific knowledge, or a manager of appointments or audiences in various processes. These applications highlight the challenges and applications of its use.(6) In this sense, the legal sciences are no stranger to this development.

The involvement of AI in the practice of law is framed in new forms or conceptual areas of its professional action. However, the possible involvement of this tool in the sector has been mentioned since 1970.(7) However, other authors such as Navarro-Dolmestc et al.(8) stress that the involvement of ChatGPT in the legal sciences must be reasoned and not excessive since it lacks training on legal rules and their involvement based on the characteristics of the particular case. On the other hand, Cisneros Zúñiga et al.9 emphasize that although there are ethical implications in the application and use of AI in legal practice, human participation should not be underestimated or eliminated, whose mission is to ensure the correct functioning of the tool in order to avoid unfortunate and preventable complications.

The application of AI in legal sciences is a matter of debate in every scenario. Its application must be carefully facilitated by technological and scientific progress. However, despite previous research on the implications of this tool in the practice of law, studies focused on analyzing the scientific production related to it have yet to be conducted. Based on the above, the objective of this study was to characterize the research published in Scopus on Prompt Lawyer.



A bibliometric study was carried out on the research on Prompt Law published in the Scopus database. We worked with 41 documents as the universe of the study; no sampling techniques were applied, so we worked with the totality of the articles. 

The following bibliometric indicators were applied:

1.     Quantity or number of documents (Nodoc): It responds to the quantitative expression of the articles. 

2.     Years of publication: corresponds to the moment of visualization of the research to the scientific community. 

3.     Type of articles: corresponds to the typology of the research about the sections in which they are published. 

4.     Most productive authors and institutions 

5.     Journals and funding agencies

6.     Thematic areas with the highest scientific production are related to the areas of knowledge defined by Scopus for the grouping of research. 

7.     Correlation between articles: It responds to the level of relationship (using clustering) of the articles according to several criteria (research terms -areas and lines of research- and correlation between countries and authors -to determine the centers with the most significant impact on research-). 


For information collection, a bibliographic search was carried out through the Scopus database, using the following search strategy: TITLE-ABS-KEY (prompt lawyer) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (law). The information was exported for better analysis. 

The VOSviewer tool was used to visualize the correlation maps.(10,11) Descriptive statistics were also applied. 



A total of 41 research studies were retrieved. 2020 had the highest number of investigations (5 articles for 12,19 %). Followed by 2016 and 2021 with three researches each (7,31 %) (figure 1). 


Figure 1. Distribution of articles according to years of publication

Source: articles published in Scopus


Original articles stood out, with 26 research papers, equivalent to 63,41 %. Books and book chapters followed them and reviewed articles with four published works each, 9,75 %.

Research related to the social sciences stood out (26 papers; 48 %). Similarly, there was evidence of a relationship with other areas of knowledge: medicine (10 types of research; 18 %) and arts and humanities (6 types of research; 11 %) (figure 2).


Figure 2. Distribution of articles according to thematic areas

Source: articles published in Scopus


The most productive authors were Andrews, S.J. and Lamb, M.E., with two papers each (4,87 %). The rest of the authors presented only one paper. Among the institutions with the most significant scientific contribution, the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), McGuireWoods LLP (United States), and Stevens and Lee Health Law Department (United States) stood out with two studies, respectively (4,87 %).

The articles from the United States stood out with 17 studies, equivalent to 41,46 %. The United Kingdom followed this with nine papers for 21,95 % (figure 3).


Figure 3. Distribution of articles by country

Source: articles published in Scopus


Among the most productive journals is Studies In Logic Grammar And Rhetoric, which has two papers (4,78 %). The rest of the journals showed one research.



AI tools show a high versatility that allows their application in any sector of society. It is, therefore, essential to have results that offer an overview of its application, utilities or disadvantages, and the main lines of research in which scientific interest in it is moving.

The years showed a growing trend in scientific production, but there were notable differences between them. This behavior may be due to the growing interest in using AI compared to previous decades. Castillo-Pantoja et al.12 agree with the results of the present study by recognizing 2020 as the year with the highest scientific productivity. Andrade Gontijo et al.13 show similar results but disagree on the predominant year.

About the types of outstanding articles, the predominance of original research is related to the growing interest (materialized in the gradual increase of research) in the use of AI. This has motivated the development of studies to validate its use based on analyzing its advantages or disadvantages to improve it. This aspect may support the more significant number of research studies with results coinciding with what has been reported in other studies.(14,15)

Despite the human interest in AI, it is essential to note that the main focus is on education, professional training, and information sciences, where the ethical and even legal implications may be greater than other branches of science. In this sense, multiple organizations have considered using AI in these areas of knowledge, always highlighting the importance of the human component.(16) Criteria that support the number of articles about the time series. In turn, the diversity of thematic lines about the use of AI and the fact that the legal sciences, in particular, should be more researched in previous studies.(17,18)

The studies by Díaz Parra et al.(19) and Ruiz-Mori et al.(20) disagree with the results on the most productive authors and institutions. Menjivar Valencia et al.(21) agree with the present study regarding the country with the highest productivity index. It is worth noting that the United States stands out for its constant contributions in terms of scientific activity. At the same time, it has specific institutions in this field, some of which appear as the organizations with the highest productivity indicators in this study, establishing a link between both results. Regarding the most productive journals, Del Campo Saltos et al.(22) show results contrary to the data presented in this study.

As a limitation of the present study, they state that they need other indicators that offer a greater insight into research trends on the use of AI in the legal sciences.



The use of Prompt Law shows a constant and gradual growth, based on research results. At the same time, it is diversified in different thematic areas, with representation from the main centers and countries with the highest research trends.



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Conceptualization: Rafael Romero-Carazas.

Writing - original draft: Rafael Romero-Carazas.

Writing - proofreading and editing: Rafael Romero-Carazas.